Wednesday, December 5, 2012


As the conclusion of the topics I choose, web based occupational safety and health is also known as occupational safety and health system. It is software used by the organization to identify, protect and control the employees of the causes of illness and accidents. When OSH system implemented, it can help HR manager to reduce compensation associated with injuries. If the system is not implemented, the rate of death of an employee will rise and so will increase the rate of cost to pay compensation to the employee.
While, web based employee learning and development is a system that have been used as a method to make the manual learning and development of worker easier. It is also one of the many technology-mediated learning and development applications being practiced. Employee learning and development (ELD) system is using for plan and observe the employee training, career development and the employee’s performance.
For outsourcing in the internet era is not new in human resource administration. Online outsourcing also is the internet-based version of outsourcing.



To subject human resources information system, we have been asked by the lecturer, Dr. Nur Naha Mansor to make webfolio 2. For the second webfolio, I have selected three topics for review made ​​by me. The title are web-based occupational safety and health, web based employee learning and development and outsourcing in the Internet era.

            To introduction, I will summarize the three topics I selected. Web-based employee learning and development, and web-based occupational safety and health are among the applications that use the system to simplify and speed up the work to be done by human resource managers. While to turn it online outsourcing is one way in which a manager can obtain information accurately and filtered for use by the company.